ISO/IEC 27001, Foundation, certification

Remote certification included

ISO/IEC 27001, Foundation, certification

Remote certification included
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IS0/IEC 27001 is an international standard that provides the basis for effective management of confidential and sensitive information, and for the application of information security contrais. lt enables organizations to demonstrate excellence and prove best practice in information security management. ISO/IEC 27001 provides a model to establish, implement, maintain and continually improve a risk-managed ISMS.

Sur mesure

Formation en ligne

Réf. YKI
Prix : Nous contacter
Langue : EN

IS0/IEC 27001 is an international standard that provides the basis for effective management of confidential and sensitive information, and for the application of information security contrais. lt enables organizations to demonstrate excellence and prove best practice in information security management. ISO/IEC 27001 provides a model to establish, implement, maintain and continually improve a risk-managed ISMS.

Public concerné
Everyone who is involved with the information management lifecycle, for small independent businesses or for new information security professionals.

There are no pre-requisites for this course, although a basic knowledge of Information Security concepts will be helpful.

Programme de la formation

The ISO/IEC 27001 standard

  • Introduction to the course.
  • Background and terminology.
  • ISO/IEC 27001 key publications.
  • Leadership.
  • Planning and operation of the information security management system.
  • Information security control objectives and controls.

ISO/IEC 27001, Foundation

  • How to achieve ISO/IEC 27001 certification.
  • Ask your voucher on the platform.
  • Perform the certification exam.

The ISO / CEI 27001 Foundation certification will allow you to understand the fundamental elements to implement and manage an Information Security Management System, according to the ISO 27001 standard. This training prepares for the passage of the ISO / IEC certification 27001, Foundation. No prerequisite is required for this training, supporting the implementation, operation or maintenance of an ISMS within an organization is a plus. ISO / IEC 27001, Foundation certification is recognized worldwide and remains valid for 3 years. Its passage lasts 40 minutes and is made up of 50 multiple-choice questions. The exam is conducted in English and closed book, the learner cannot refer to the resources of their choice during their exam. The score for passing the exam is 50%. If successful, a unique electronic certificate is issued.

Modalités pratiques
Activités digitales
Lessons, exercises, courses notes and discussions based on international standards. Additional reference materials are not required for this course.
Tutoring is provided by an expert trainer in the field and results in support by message.
Pédagogie et pratique;
An interactive approach to provide valuable conceptual knowledge of international standards. This training is broadcast on our partner's platform and available for 4 months.

Bénéficiez de l’accompagnement d’un formateur expert du domaine pour vous guider et renforcer votre apprentissage.

Solutions de financement
Pour trouver la meilleure solution de financement adaptée à votre situation : contactez votre conseiller formation.
Il vous aidera à choisir parmi les solutions suivantes :
  • Le plan de développement des compétences de votre entreprise : rapprochez-vous de votre service RH.
  • Le dispositif FNE-Formation.
  • L’OPCO (opérateurs de compétences) de votre entreprise.
  • France Travail sous réserve de l’acceptation de votre dossier par votre conseiller France Travail.
  • Le plan de développement des compétences de votre entreprise : rapprochez-vous de votre service RH.
  • Le dispositif FNE-Formation.
  • L’OPCO (opérateurs de compétences) de votre entreprise.
  • France Travail sous réserve de l’acceptation de votre dossier par votre conseiller France Travail.